Warehouse efficiency through automation and expertise

DACHSER at LogiMAT 2025

“The future of warehousing” is the motto of DACHSER’s presentation at LogiMAT 2025, which takes place in Stuttgart from March 11 to 13. At stand C02 in hall 7, the logistics service provider will show how customized, integrated and automated solutions can take supply chains to the next level of efficiency.

“Our customers expect high quality, efficient handling and flexibility,” says Thomas Klare, Head of Corporate Contract Logistics at DACHSER. “In order to meet these demands, we are not only investing in the expansion of our integrated transport network and the expansion of our warehouse capacities but are also increasingly focusing on innovative warehouse technologies. This enables us to maintain our high quality level and at the same time reduce the workload on our employees.”

Thomas Klare, Head of Corporate Contract Logistics at DACHSER said “Our customers expect high quality, efficient handling and flexibility. In order to meet these demands, we are not only investing in the expansion of our integrated transport network and the expansion of our warehouse capacities but are also increasingly focusing on innovative warehouse technologies. This enables us to maintain our high quality level and at the same time reduce the workload on our employees.”

Different solutions are used depending on customer requirements. For example, collaborative robots (cobots), which work side by side with employees, provide support for routine tasks and more flexibility in the warehouse. DACHSER is already using this reliable technology for value-added services in food logistics.

Exoskeletons make physically heavy work in the warehouse easier for employees. The modern technology provides support when lifting and carrying heavy objects – a great help and increase in efficiency, for example when picking and repacking.

Mobile robots, or AGVs (Autonomous Guided Vehicles) to be precise, are becoming increasingly common in DACHSER’s warehouses. The driverless transport systems find their own way around the warehouse to store and retrieve pallets at ground level. Precise navigation, swarm intelligence and seamless integration into the IT systems ensure a significant increase in efficiency in day-to-day logistics.

Internationally represented, close to the customer

These modern technical helpers exemplify the progressive automation of warehouse processes that is being introduced at DACHSER locations. At the same time, the logistics service provider is constantly expanding its warehouse capacities.

DACHSER has over two million square meters of warehouse space with 3.1 million pallet spaces at 163 locations worldwide. In Germany alone, the logistics provider currently maintains over 1.8 million pallet spaces. Thomas Klare explains: “Very good contract logistics only works with close cooperation and partnership between all parties involved. This includes proximity to the customer and a local presence in the key economic centers. We want to strengthen these further.”

In Unna near Dortmund, a modern multi-user warehouse with 22,000 pallet spaces as well as a transshipment hall is being built, which is directly connected to DACHSER’s close-knit transport network. “It is precisely this connection between modern warehousing and an efficient groupage network that characterizes our contract logistics offering – individual supply chain solutions from a single source,” explains Thomas Klare.

The economic centers around the LogiMAT trade fair location are also the focus of DACHSER’s contract logistics activities. Several multi-user warehouses are conveniently located on the main traffic arteries. The DACHSER Kornwestheim group alone has almost 150,000 pallet spaces around Stuttgart – in addition to Kornwestheim, there are also warehouses at the Rottenburg and Öhringen locations, all of which have a direct connection to DACHSER’s transport network. Also new in the south is a warehouse location in Rastatt, which will go into operation this year and will increase capacity in the Middle Upper Rhine region by around 42,000 pallet spaces.

LogiMAT is the world’s largest trade fair for intralogistics solutions. The industry event takes place annually and counted 1,610 exhibitors and 67,420 trade visitors at the Stuttgart exhibition center last year.

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